An Update from our CEO: Richard Marsh.
These are unforeseen and untravelled times and we at MYZ are doing all that we can to help delay the spread of Covid-19, closely following Government advice for the UK.
As we all try to navigate the impact, we wanted to assure you that we are dedicated to the vital work we do at Manchester – supporting young people who need it most.
As is everyone, we are yet to see the full impact of what the current situation means for Manchester Youth Zone, however our core values continue to be the guiding principles for all of our decisions and actions:
- Provide a safe environment:We are following Government guidelines, and are taking our guidance from their instructions to schools
- Be respectful of ourselves and others:we have implemented working from home where possible
- Make positive choices in all walks of life:We’re keeping optimistic and are encouraging everyone to support each other at this unusual time.
- Be the best we can be: Our core objectives remain the same – to support young people to be the best that they can be – whilst being sensitive to the changes around us.
We have been continuing to deliver our normal programme of sessions for young people, however after guidance from both the government and National Youth Agency, after Friday 20th March 2020 these sessions will no longer be able to continue and will stop until we are advised otherwise.
So what is our plan?
- Somewhere to go: whilst our doors are unable to open for mass gatherings on session, we will still be operating one-to-one support for young people who need it most and communicating with our members
- Something to do:our delivery team will be providing content for our social media channels where young people will be able to participate in activities from home from mindfulness sessions to workouts. To help with people feeling isolated in a time of social distancing, we will also be uploading daily active competitions and encouraging people to get involved.
- Someone to talk to:our brilliant team of Youth Workers will be communicating with our members with regular phone calls. This will be to check in on them, listen to them and provide advice, ensure support throughout and to sign post them to activity online that is available either from the Youth Zone or other sources. Our Safeguarding policies and standards remain the same.
Uplifting young people and our community, including the businesses and organisations that make up this great city, is core to what we believe in at MYZ, this isn’t an empty offer – please do let us know if we can be of any assistance at all.
If you don’t already, please follow our social channels so you can stay updated with our #MYZmagic as we continue to spread it… just in a new dynamic way!
If you have any questions at all – please do let me know.
Best wishes,
Richard Marsh, CEO