Eggucating Manchester
It only takes a couple of chickens to send the whole Youth Zone a bit giddy – this week we were pleased for Eggucation to visit the Juniors with a couple of hens. Eggucation work to provide an engaging experience for schools to learn about how to care for eggs and the chicks that eventually […]
Slam-Dunk Your Way to saturDAYS!
Don’t forget we’ve got Senior Basketball sessions every Saturday, 10.30-12pm… our new coach, Ron, will be teaching you how to shoot 3-pointers and do that trick where you spin the ball on your finger in no time! Bring your friends!
Police Minister Visits FYZ
The Factory Youth Zone was pleased to host a visit yesterday morning by Police Minister, Nick Hurd MP. This was part of the launch of the Government’s ‘Serious Violence Strategy’. Nick Hurd MP saw our work with young people as preventative measures for them becoming involved in escalating violent behaviour and child criminal exploitation. Nick heard […]
Eggs-tra Easter Eggs from Autizma and Wood Street Mission
Big thanks to Autizma and Wood Street Mission, who have kindly donated an elevator full of eggs-tra chocolate eggs they had left over from Easter Sunday. I’m sure our young people are egg-cited to get their hands on them! Autizma is an independent organisation dedicated to improving the lives of those with autism. Wood Street Mission are focussed on alleviating the […]
Invitation to County Lines Artwork Exhibition
We are delighted to invite you to the launch of The Factory Youth Zone’s ‘County Lines’ exhibition at Neo on Thursday 19th April 2018, from 5-7pm. Whilst providing a fun and informal place for young people to spend time, we also want to educate them on serious issues which could affect them. We do […]
The Factory Youth Zone CLOSED for Easter Sunday
The Factory Youth Zone is CLOSED for Easter Sunday – we will be back to usual service on Monday for the Senior Session! Wishing you all a Happy Easter, and thanks for being #GoodEggs 🙂
From GCA to Harpurhey
On Thursday we organised a trip for our wonderful new supporters, GCA Altium, to send 23 of their staff to visit us here at The Factory Youth Zone. We supplied the party with pick ‘n’ mix for their journey from their office in Manchester City Centre to Harpurhey, which went down a treat. CEO Richard […]
Thanks to our Work Experience Students!
Big thanks to Angela, Edith, Faith, Michael, and Ethan – they came to The Factory Youth Zone for work experience from Our Lady’s RC High School as part of out Smart Futures programme and over the last two weeks they have helped out around the office and got involved with the FAC5 and Junior sessions. […]
Bee Happy!
Yesterday we celebrated the International Day of Happiness at The Factory Youth Zone! Take a look at what makes some of our Junior Members happy 🙂
From Youth Work to International Football
We’re delighted to share with you that The Factory Youth Zone’s very own Alec Mudimu has been called up for the Zimbabwe international football team! Prior to The Factory opening, Alec was thinking about quitting football altogether. “There was nothing to do in the evenings after school and this led to me and my friends […]