Michael John’s Dance Competition Team

Based on the success of the last workshop, Michael John (ex-FYZ member and Britain’s Got Talent choreographer) wants to get a new dance group together of our Senior members in order to enter competitions all across Manchester! Trials start on Wednesday 17th 6.30-9.30pm this week. Let’s go!

21st December #fyzadvent

At the Factory, we are proud of our inclusion and our work with young people with additional needs. We work extremely hard to ensure that the needs of all young people are met: in order that they can grow, express themselves and flourish in our care. We provide specialist, adapted activities and highly trained staff […]

20th December #fyzadvent

Today we had a festive family fun day organised by GMP and boy, oh boy, what fun it was! Thank you to all involved and all that came. Only #5DaysToGo can you believe it?!

12th December #fyzadvent

We’re all ready and excited to welcome Vestacare, our lovely most regular customers, to The Factory Brew for their private Christmas party. Merry Christmas Vestacare, from everyone at The Factory!

10th December #fyzadvent

This year on International Women’s Day, some of our Senior members let us know what they were thinking about. They are here to inspire the next generation!   #15DaysToGo  

Saturday Juniors Football

Due to a change in our delivery style, there will be no more Saturday Junior football after tomorrow’s session. Fear not, football will still be running on our week day sessions! Please direct any queries to jermane.walcott@manchesteryz.org