Goodbye from Richard
Goodbye from richard “After nearly 7 years, this week marks my last as CEO of Manchester Youth Zone before I hand over the reins. Throughout that time, I have seen; MYZ become embraced by the city and communities it serves, commitment I could never have imagined, and recognition of our work that I can’t even […]
“I can’t believe I was having a joke with the CEO of CarFinance”
“I can’t believe I was having a joke with the CEO of CarFinance” … That’s just one of the quotes to come out of the incredible sessions held this week! Let us start at the beginning, what is a ‘Business Shower’ we hear you ask? After spending weeks with our Careers and Enterprise team developing […]
Radequal – Challenging Extremism in our Community
MYZ and our partners – Nurturing Foundations, Mad Theatre, and New Testament Church Of God – have been working together on the RADEQUAL project. RADEQUAL is aimed at getting into communities and neighbourhoods early, having honest and often difficult conversations and working together to address and prevent some of the factors that could lead individuals […]
4229 down … 0 to go!
4229 down… 0 to go! What an action packed few weeks we’ve had at MYZ! In the run up to the Easter Holidays (which are now in full swing with lots of happy faces activities both inside and outside the building!), we were working with organisations across Manchester to pack and deliver a total of […]
Careers & Enterprise Activities for International Women’s Day
Manchester Youth Zone’s Careers & Enterprise Hub held a series of events for young people to celebrate International Women’s Day and help young people access Careers support they were not able to receive during Lockdown. Usually, we would be running these Careers events at schools, but Lockdown made that difficult in the last year. For […]
Manchester Youth Zone Members Fight Period Poverty
MYZ PERIOD POVERTY MANCHESTER YOUTH ZONE MEMBERS BATTLE PERIOD POVERTY As a children’s charity, Manchester Youth Zone is passionate about giving young people a voice and a platform to get involved in social action and make a stand for what they believe in. Throughout the pandemic, our Girls Group have been discussing a host of […]
Manchester Youth Zone CEO Richard Marsh announces retirement and intention to swap North Manchester for the hills of the countryside
Youth Charity Manchester Youth Zone provide over 1000 meals to families in Manchester despite looming two-week lockdown and staff self-isolating
[vc_row 0=””][vc_column][vc_column_text 0=””] Adapting to change, breaking boundaries and overcoming obstacles are some of children’s charity Manchester Youth Zone’s (MYZ) core values – its embedded in all that they do, and with the pandemic throwing more curve balls than ever, this ethos has certainly been put to the test. As the schools broke for half […]
One man, three counties, 100 miles, and over £2500 raised for North West Charity of the Year Manchester Youth Zone!
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[vc_row 0=””][vc_column 0=””][vc_column_text 0=””] We see the world through a lens of limitless possibilities – and as we continue to push ourselves and breakthrough boundaries, we need you to unite and join us on our mission. Introducing … MYZ 100 What is it? 2020 has been a hard year for everyone and as it comes […]